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answered your question “Hi friends! With less than a week to the end of the month, it’s time…”maybe a bit obviously, I was really fascinated by the use of food in jazzpunk (https://gamesandfood.tumblr.com/search/jazzpunk). I really enjoyed playing through it, and thought it was as varied and funny as you can get in a game.
28.07.2016 - 20:57:15
Hi friends!With less than a week to the end of the month, it’s time to discuss Jazzpunk freely. I felt that the core of the game was its brand of comedy, and whilst it wasn’t my personal preference I really like the idea of having more comedic games, which are somewhat sparse in the games industry compared with other media. It does a really good job of encouraging interaction with the world in as many ways as possible while you procrastinate the main “mission,” and breaks up the investigating with a lot of well integrated minigames.It’s an entertaining exploration through a vibrant world, and doesn’t try to be much more than that, which works just fine.What did you think?
25.07.2016 - 19:11:19
Hey all! You can now vote on our August game here!This month, we’re choosing between Consortium, Iji, Transistor, and 1979 Revolution: Black Friday.If you have suggestions for games to include, do send them in any time!
25.07.2016 - 18:43:03
Somehow the middle of the month has passed us by! How are you enjoying Jazzpunk so far, without spoilers?
16.07.2016 - 20:56:46
Okay, it looks like our game for July is Jazzpunk. I haven’t played this one myself so I’m looking forward to getting started!
02.07.2016 - 09:27:54
Hey all! I have created the poll for our next game. You can take it here.
This time we’re choosing between Analogue: A Hate Story; The Swapper, Jazzpunk, and Papers, Please.
Today is the last day of June so your last day to vote! Papers, Please is currently ahead by a hair!
There is currently a tie between Papers, Please, and Jazzpunk, so I’m gonna leave the poll open until tomorrow morning and flip a coin if it’s still a tie!
01.07.2016 - 19:34:15
Hey all! I have created the poll for our next game. You can take it here.
This time we’re choosing between Analogue: A Hate Story; The Swapper, Jazzpunk, and Papers, Please.
Today is the last day of June so your last day to vote! Papers, Please is currently ahead by a hair!
30.06.2016 - 20:59:10
At the end of the game the player is given a choice. Do they activate the Bastion and undo the Calamity, or do they turn it into space ship and use it to explore the cosmos? Whenever there is a choice like this it is natural to wonder which one is the canon ending? My personal belief is that they both are.Rucks said that using the Bastion to undo the Calamity would undo everyone’s memory of it. He couldn’t guarantee that it wouldn’t happen again. So my head canon is that the Kid used the Bastion to restore the world, only to have the Calamity happen again. And again. And again. The world became trapped in what would have been an endless cycle of destruction and restoration, except that (since they were the ones to activate the Bastion) the Kid, Rucks and Zia began remembering the events of the previous cycles. They all realised that no matter how many times they activated the Bastion they couldn’t stop the Calamity from happening. There was no way to fix the past, so they had to look to the future. They fly away on the Bastion, first to find any survivors and then to find a new home.This interpretation is supported by the New Game Plus mode. There are changes to the narration that hint that the Bastion was activated, but the Calamity happened again.- submitted by @justaboutjustineThis is super interesting and not something that I had really considered before; never having played NG+ or anything like that. It seems bizarrely pessimistic (unable to stop the Calamity) and optimistic (finding a way to break the cycle and hope for the future) simultaneously to me! - Jay
30.06.2016 - 16:31:33
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