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It’s about comics. Old comics. The paleocomicologists:lacontessavruzmogadoniamudwerksfeastingonroadkill Almost all comics presented are from the paleocomicologist’s own collections unless otherwise stated.
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All comics, all the time. Bringing you art, snapshots and bad ass photos from the comic world. Run by Mike, Jevee and Brianna, three comic obsessed individuals from New York City. Mike is a 20 year-old Marvel Man. & Brianna is a 18 year-old DC Gal. & Jevee is a 17 year-old DC Dame. Favorite Characters: Mike: Deadpool, Cable, Madrox, Blackbolt, and Silver Surfer. Brianna: Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Batwoman, Huntress, Nightcrawler and Spiderwoman. Jevee: Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, The Flash, Raven, Beastboy, Starfire, The Riddler and Batwoman Brianna and Jevee also run Fuck Yeah, Harley and Ivy! Fuck Yeah, Harley and Ivy! Ask Us Anything! Jevee’s Personal Tumblr Brianna’s Personal Tumblr
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Tumblr dedicated to one of the bustiest of DC ladies, the one and only, Power Girl.
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just waiting for the right moment to jump start my career in costumed crime.
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Yidio News provides the latest up-to-the-minute news on TV, movies and the celebrities you love, including original features, interviews, trailers and breaking news.
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added on 24.06.2011 - 13:58:10 from sonika
Poetry, web comics, zombie movie reviews, artwork, and commentary on politics, fantasy football, and modern culture by Outsider poet Thomas L. Vaultonburg.
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